Getting to the therapy office may not always be easy, so New Leaf Therapy is happy to offer telehealth visits that allow you to receive therapy at home! Telehealth, or online visits, provide face-to-face interaction through real-time video and audio between the client and therapist.

Telehealth appointments can be scheduled at the same frequency as in-office appointments. Telehealth appointments are available Monday-Thursday during clinic operating hours. Many insurance companies cover telehealth services. To find out if your plan covers telehealth, call the number on the back of your card to ask about online visits. New Leaf Therapy uses a HIPAA-compliant platform to provide private, secure video sessions.

Requirements for telehealth appointments are a private location to hold the session, a personal computer/smart phone, camera, microphone, and reliable internet connection with minimum speeds of 10mbps. You can check your Internet speed through a simple internet search. There is no software requirements for telehealth sessions, but you may want to run all updates on your computer and operating system for maximum performance.